Monday, June 8, 2009

Six Month Check Up

I took Alex this evening for his 6 month check up. I was looking forward to seeing how much he weighed, but totally dreading the shots. Breaks my heart to hear him scream like that.

We get into the room and the nurse comes in. She had bright colorful clothes on and was talking to him in this funny high pitched voice which he loved. Alex is quite the little charmer now. He will give you these big smiles and gets this certain look with his eyes. Of course he turned on his little charm tonight. He has us both laughing. Nurse even said what a little ham he is.

She weighed him and measured him. He is 14 pounds 15 ounces and about 26 inches long. Doctor came in and said he's still in the 10th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height. Said he's perfectly healthy, but to go ahead and increase his baby food and move him onto the next stage of baby food. So another new step we get to take!!!! :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

First Haircut!

I took Alex to get his first haircut on Saturday! His hair had gotten so long. It was over his ears! Too long for a little boy.

He did great! Since he's quite the little wiggle worm I was afraid he would be all over the place and worried he would get cut. He squirmed a little bit, but not too much. I kept him busy by making silly faces which he loved. I just love his new look. So cute!

Friday, June 5, 2009

6 Months Old

Alex is 6 months old today. Wow time is going by so fast! It's hard to believe that just 6 months ago this adorable boy was brought into this world.

He is changing so much. He's very observant. I love to watch the expressions on his face when he has discovered something new. Recently he discovered his feet! He grabs hold of them and rolls from side to side. He hasn't quite rolled over on his own yet, but he's getting close.

One of his latest things is scooting. He has a bald spot on the back of his head from where he has rubbed the hair off from scooting. He uses his head and feet to scoot on his back. It's funny to watch.

I have found his ticklish spots and he has the cutest belly laugh. Oh I just love his smiles. Every evening I can't wait to get off work to go pick him up. If I've had a tough day just one smile from him changes it all!

Monday is his next check up. Excited to see how much he weighs, but poor little guy has to have shots. Will post an update then!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Yesterday was my first Mother's Day and I was so excited for it. Although I didn't have any special plans or any big surprises I did have the perfect gift.... Alex. He woke up in the best mood. He was all smiles and laughing. That has got to be the happiest I have ever seen him in the morning. It was the perfect start to my day.

We had a quiet day. Went to the park for awhile since it was such a beautiful day. Then came home and played with toys. We practiced sitting and trying to roll over. He is getting so close!

Also congrats to two of my friends. They both had beautiful girls on Mother's Day! Very exciting.

Can't wait until next year. I know he will be running everywhere then and maybe if it's nice I can take him somewhere really fun!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5 months

Alex is 5 months today. I'm amazed every day at how much he is changing. He's starting to laugh some, talk more, and make lots of funny faces. He loves to stick his tongue out at me and then give me a big smile. I think he may be a little ornery when he gets older!

I have him on a great routine. Every evening when we get home I play with him for awhile, then we do bath time (which he likes now), and then feeding. He loves his baby food! He gets so excited when I put him in the high chair. His arms and legs start flailing and he has big smiles. He makes funny sounds and sometimes sticks his tongue out at me. It's so cute. He's doing very well eating off the spoon now. He's quite demanding and smacks his little hand on the tray if I don't keep up with him. Little stinker. After feeding I take him for a walk and then rock him to sleep. He does great at night. He wakes up once around 3 to 4 am wanting his pacifier and then goes right back to sleep. I no longer keep the monitor in my room. It made weird sounds anyways and made me feel like I was in the movie

Alex has such a calm demeanor about him. He's very happy and cuddly. I am so thankful that he is mine and I look forward to all the fun times we will have together.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Year Ago

It dawned on me last night that yesterday May 2 was the day last year I found out I was pregnant. I can't believe a year has gone by this fast. So many things have happened and changed in my life this past year. One positive would be Alex. He has brought so much joy to me. I love you little man!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Crib

I decided it was finally time for Alex to sleep in his crib. This was hard for me as I love having him so close to me. He has been sleeping in his bassinet. Since he's such a great sleeper I knew that I needed to do this now before it was too late.

He did great! I did not. I must of checked on him a dozen times. Although I have a baby monitor and not to mention a small house I still worried about him. Can you tell I'm a first time mom or what? lol

Funny now that he has lots of room he wiggles all over the place. Each time I checked on him he was in a different spot. He also kicks off the blanket every time I cover him up. So I would gently move him so he wasn't smashed up against the edge or wherever he ended up and cover him again. Of course he slept right through it.

So I made it through my first night without him and actually got a little sleep!